So many times we say…”Oh if I’d only known what I know now, I would have done things differently.” Sometimes we use this “ignorance” as the excuse to not make the difficult choice we know is in our better interest, or to put in the time & the effort we know deep down is required. We cheat ourselves with the easier path, refusing to level up when given the opportunity, & feeding our ego when we refuse to admit we made the wrong choice. This breeds regret which can slowly eat away at us & our dreams of the future.

You may find some situation coming around for a second pass in this period. The opportunity to make the choice you wish you had. This is a gift from the universe. You may also find that your choice is different than what you thought it would be. This is a gift from the universe. You may find that the choice you made is exactly the choice you’d make. This is a gift from yourself.

I’d like to offer you two exercises that are very helpful. The first is to write a letter to your younger self. What advice would you give that person, what would you tell them to do, what choices would you advise they make? Then, go in the other direction. Become the most evolved version of yourself you can imagine. The person you know you have inside. Write a letter from them to the you of today. What choice do they wish you would make?

Say what you’ll wish you had said. Go where you’ll wish you had gone. Do what you’ll wish you had done. Leave what you’ll wish you had left. Don’t wait for the second chance to make your first impression.

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