kerosene lamp to shine your light

Key themes: bring to the surface, shine your light, rising in the east, fire burning in the heart, look to the sun, sparks turn into flames, light in the dark, what burns inside of you, light in the dark, find your fire, new ways of shining, upgrade your light

Sometimes in life we can feel like the lights have gone out.  The campfire spent. Things can feel cold and dark, frightening and frustrating. Everything that seemed so clear a minute before is now shrouded in darkness.

I’m reminded of a kerosene lamp. These lamps are super old school. They’re dangerous, inefficient and can cause great damage if not carefully tended to. Back in the day they were a primary source of illumination. In some parts of the world they still are. Today, however, we have other options. New, improved, efficient, powerful sources of light. (starting to see where I’m headed with this?)

Each of us has a light inside of us. Something that drives us. Something that makes us shine. Something that illuminates others. But sometimes our light needs an upgrade. We may have a light that we started using a long time ago, but there’s actually a light that’s bigger, brighter, and more powerful that we’re used to.

So I’d like to ask you to take a look at what lights you up. Are you running the latest version of illumination for your soul? Are you emanating the brightest light that you have to offer? What are the small concrete, consistent choices you can make that will transmute that kerosene lamp into a blazing sun? What’s it going to take to make the sun shine again in your life?

Just like sunrise and sunset, there are cycles in illumination. So don’t be afraid if you feel like the lights suddenly went out on everything that was burning inside you. The dark will allow you some time to fumble around to find your light source. And if you’re hanging on to your kerosene lamp, because it’s the only illumination you’ve known, start researching your own heart for something more in line with the you of today. Even if you only find a small spark of something new, remember – in the immortal words of the Boss – you can’t start a fire without a spark.

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Greatness awaits!